
Showing posts from November, 2020

Plagiarism Checker or Detector With Percentage

Plagiarism Checker  Click On Below Plagiarism Detector Word   Plagiarism Detector

Word To PDF- Convert Your Files Into PDF For Free Online

  Word To PDF Convert Your DOC To PDF Online Free Choose FIles Watch video And learn converts Ms_Word File To PDf

Find IP Address, ISP, City or country's of some one using your phone and laptops through links

 IP Address And Details Finder  Click And Create Short URL And Send Using WhatsApp Or  Messenger. Create URL Watch Video And Learn About Hacking

gsrld.dll : Free .DLL Download.

Gsrld.dll :  Free Download   Download and install  gsrld.dll   to fix missing or corrupted dll errors. Filename   gsrld.dll   MD5   a40530fa4a1e4aaa40e3f3a46a35d25b   SHA1   8b5596b4c0b0ce1b20ea58a84839720ff251be17   Size   69.5KB ( Click On Link And Download gsrld.dll File gsrld.dll

CPU-Z Free Download for windows 10/7/8 And All others windows

Download CPU Z From Below Link Or Click On CPU Z Text And Download. Cpu--z

How To find Execution Time In C/C++

  There is two way to find execution time in C/C++. We give differed inputs to get differed executions time. 1. 512*512 2. 1024*1024 3. 2048*2048 1st way Copy The code and Run It give input in array:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <time.h>  int m={1},n={1}; int array[2048][2048]; // A function that terminates when enter key is pressed  void fun()  {  printf("fun() starts \n");  printf("Press enter to stop fun \n");  for(int kk=0;kk<1000;kk++) { int sum={0}; for(int i=0;i<m;i++) { for(int j=0;j<n;j++) sum+=array[2048][2048]; } } printf("fun() ends \n");  }   // The main program calls fun() and measures time taken by fun()  int main()  {  // Calculate the time taken by fun()  clock_t t;  t = clock();  fun();  t = clock() - t;  double time_taken = ((double)t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // in seconds  printf("fun() took %f seconds to...

How To Fix Hanging Problem In Max Payne 3 Game

Copy This Code And Past In graphics Xaml page.  code available below . Steps:  Page Available in my documents folder  when open my documents folder than open  Rock star folder than open Max Payne 3   folder than open Graphic page   and past the given code and save it. Watch video And Learn How To Fix Bugs In max Payne 3 Code For Xaml page <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Graphics Version="1"> <Resolution value="1"/> <Width value="800"/> <Height value="600"/> <RefreshRate value="60"/> <Fullscreen value="1"/> <TextureQuality value="0"/> <AnisotropicQuality value="0"/> <Vsync value="0"/> <SSAO value="0"/> <ShadowQuality value="1"/> <ReflectionQuality value="1"/> <WaterQuality value="0"/> <FXAA value="0"/> ...

How To Connect Two Laptops Or PC's Using Ethernet Cable | Using Easiest Way | Connect Your All Home PCs or laptops

 Connect Two Laptops Or PC's Using Ethernet Or Internet Cable. Connecting two laptops on a local area network (LAN) or using Ethernet cable is a great way to quickly transfer data between two computers. You can transfer data between two laptops on a LAN with laptop or PC using an Ethernet cable or a wireless connection. This i teaches you how to share and access files and folders on the local network on laptop and PC. step 1: Take a one internet cable or Ethernet cable it easily available in market. Step 2: Open control panel in your computer and find Network And internet Sharing  option. Step 3: A fter opening network and internet option than find Ne twork And Sharing Center option and open it. Step 4: Check your computers or laptops connect to Ethernet cable or local area connection check the statement of connectives when there is local area connection option than your computers are connected to each other. Step 5: there was a new option mean a new networ...

Design website for Agriculture products keeping in view the scenario of case study No need of databases. You are only asked to design it with HTML and CSS.

  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>final paper project </title> <style> #header{ background:#66CC66; position:absolute; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding:30px; margin:30px; width: 929px; left: -28px; top: -28px; border:groove #666666; height: 90px; } #list{ background:#00CC66; border:groove #FF66CC; position:absolute; padding:15px; left: 0px; top: 149px; width: 961px; height: 75px; } #pic{ background: #CCCCCC; border:groove #33CC33; position:absolute; left: 2px; top: 263px; height: 356px; width: 990px; } #1{ position:absolute; left: 20px; top: 669px; } #2{ position:absolute; left: 506px; top: 669p...

Case Study | HTML, CSS Complete Code | How To Create Rent A Car Website.

  Case Study Car rental companies serve people who need a temporary vehicle, for example, travelers, those who do not own their own car, or owners of damaged vehicles who are waiting for repair or insurance compensation. Managing such a business using a manual system is a very tiresome job and takes longer to generate different types of reports. To overcome this problem we will develop a website for this company to be able to move their business online and to increase the availability and efficiency of their business processes. Note: Use the external css for header, internal css for footer and inline CSS for other content of web page. Any extra code that is not discussed in class is not allowed to use in these questions (This is just to stop you to use the ready made code). HTML AND CSS Code   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="http://www.w...

How To Find IP Address Applying S-DES With Help Of Cipher Text and plain Text

Let’s: Plain text: X= 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0                    X= 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0   Give No:           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IP formula:        2 6 3 1 4 8 5 7   IP (X):                 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Output IP(X):    1101 0010 Complex function: Fk(L,F(L F(R,SK1),R) Putting values in formula Dividing IP (x) into two parts right and lift side IP (x)=1101 0010 Right side=1101    lift side=0010 Fk(1101,0010)=(1101 ⊕ f(0010, 10100),0010) 1 ST SOLVE F:   F given in formula F: E/P E/P Formula: 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 Right side:       0010 Give No:          1234 Applying E/P: 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 Output (E/P):   0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Taking XOR BE...